Stop Employees from Wasting Time at Work! Use Employee Time Tracking Software

Employee timesheets are often misunderstood. Why do we need to manage employee timesheets? Are they useful for monitoring employees’ day-to-day activities or billing the client? Do we need them to measure an employee’s productivity, or is it a mere form of micromanagement that managers pursue to their advantage? Well… there’s a lot to be answered here.

Why Do We Need Online Timesheet Management for Employees?

Any business managing 15 to 15,000 employees (or even more) need to control their continuously increasing business maintenance costs and keep a track of employees’ work hours. Timesheet management is the best way to get accurate information on the activities and projects where employees are spending their time. Timesheets help employees to stay competitive and productive.

The paper documents or spreadsheets are not enough to keep records of an employee activities along the course of a day or a week. Tracking employee work hours manually with overtime, leaves and holidays becomes a tedious and cumbersome task for managers and HR. In addition, it is difficult for managers to ensure that their team members employed at remote locations are working to their full potential. To avoid assuming what employees are really doing, to identify an employee’s workload or availability, and to track real-time progress of project(s), there’s a need of an effective online timesheet management system. 
A cloud-based employee time tracking software is an automated system that allow managers to easily track, manage and report on employee time. It improves project visibility and helps managers to understand resource utilization.

Surprisingly, many organizations are unaware of benefits of employee time tracking software, and they deal with multiple challenges. Let’s take a look.

Challenges of an Organization in Absence of Employee Timesheet Management

Project Billing Inaccuracies: Quite often, employees and managers rely on their memories to recall and record time spent on client site. Due to this, the manual billing reports may subject to human errors leading to inaccurate project bills.

Inadequate Resource Allocation: In absence of an employee timesheet management system, managers are unable to distribute equal workload amongst all team members. Without knowing the availability of a team member and time taken to complete a task, managers often face challenge to allocate resource (developer or designer or any other professional) for a specific task/ project.  

Inaccuracy to Find Billable Employee Work Hours: When ‘buddy punching’ and paper time cards become common, many employers face difficulties to track employee in-and-out time accurately.

Due to inefficient tracking of employee in-and-out time, break times, overtime, leaves and official travel,employers find it hard to bill the employees working on hourly basis.

Unable to Track Progress of Projects and Identify Delays: In absence of timesheet management, managers are unable to track real-time progress of a specific project. Without timesheet reports and views, managers aren’t able to access consolidated data required to view and avoid project delays.

In an advanced HR technology era, timesheet management is a necessary process to track employee activities, performance and project management.

The implementation of online timesheet management helps in eliminating the differences in opinion of an employee and a manager regarding project progress and resource availability. Furthermore, it is an effective way to make business accounting accurate and stress-free.

A cloud-based timesheet management system, such as Empxtrack, allows organizations to keep down project operational costs along with managing employee time effectively. Here’s a list of few benefits that would compel you to invest in an employee time tracking system.

Benefits of an Employee Time Tracking Software

Improve Employee Performance: When employees know that their performance and activities are being monitored, they tend to be more conscious of spending most of their time in improving their work output. Of course, this awareness translates into improved performance and high quality of work.
Besides, monitoring employee activities continuously enables managers to adapt any sudden problem that arise. The problems are handled quickly without wasting much time. This adds up to employee productivity and the projects are completed within predefined timeline.

Identify Employee Workload & Availability:An automated employee time tracking software gives deep insights into employee performance, project staffing and resource utilization. Effective decisions can be made by identifying the workload and availability of each team member. This improves overall team performance.

Timely Allocation of Resources: Timesheet management is directly related to resource planning & allocation and task management. Managers can anticipate delays in tasks when knowing the actual project status. With the online timesheets, managers may conveniently change the schedule or reassign any urgent tasks to the available team members. All these smart decisions contribute to high performance and success of every single project.

Correct Cost Estimate of the Projects: An organization using online timesheets for employees can accurately estimate the number of hours an employee spends at the client site or on a project. This information satisfies clients knowing that their bills are fairly calculated.

Accurate Accounting in Employee Time: The detailed information about project hours helps an organization to accurately record employee’s billable work hours and pay accordingly. With a cloud-based attendance management and timesheet management software,employees’ performance is monitored at each step. Thus, they are unable to use excuses for their unproductive behaviour and excessive absenteeism.

Still unsure??

I would recommend you to use an employee time tracking software for superior team monitoring. Understand how this advanced online tool can shift your focus from day-to-day employee time tracking to growing your business. Online timesheet management system works faster and accurate, and therefore can be used to eliminate time-consuming & tedious time tracking work!